Oroville CrossFit

Oroville CrossFit
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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Crossfit Battalion, Atlanta, GA

Total butt kicker at Crossfit Battalion (www.CrossfitBattalion.com) in Atlanta on April 25. Trained with a great group. So many Crossfits to choose from in Atlanta, glad I chose to train with the Battalion crew! WOD was the 2012 Southeast Regional Individual WOD 2 2000 meter run or row (I ran) 50 alternating one legged squats 30 power cleans (Rx 225) or 70% of your max power clean (155 for me) time 17:18 Just when we thought we were done, Kyle had a couple finishers for us: 1. Jumping Tabata air squats (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off - 8 rounds) wait 5 seconds 2. Tabata sprints (sprint 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds - 8 rounds) Thanks Kyle for a great workout. I will feel this for days I am sure.