Oroville CrossFit

Oroville CrossFit
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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 9, Sundown Crossfit - Santa Clara, CA

Another trip to the Bay Area and was able to visit Sundown Crossfit in Santa Clara, CA. (www.sundowncrossfit.com) Todd Wise was our coach tonight and also is one of the owners. Sundown has a great atmosphere and the Oly coaching during the strength portion was fantastic! Thanks to Todd for the coaching and Grant for pushing through the WOD. I will be back!
I would also like to congratulate Todd and the Sundown Team for making it to the Nor Cal Regionals in May!

Warm-up - Mastering Foundational Movements (No Measure)
8-10 reps of each with bar - 
Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, Thruster, Front Squat, Back Squat, OH Squat.
Weightlifting - Snatch @65% of your 1RM - 5x3. Then Squat Clean 3x2 (heavy)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 7 min.
9 Push Ups
12 S2OH 45/35
        Got 12 rounds and 2 push ups

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 1, Crossfit Pandora's Box, Colorado Springs, CO

Most recent trip took me to Colorado Springs.  While in town, I visited Crossfit Pandora's Box.  (https://www.facebook.com/CrossfitPandorasBox).  I have to warn you; when you train in the Foothills of California at an altitude of 200ft, your first WOD in the Springs at 7000ft will smoke you!
Thanks to Tammy coach/owner for the great WOD and coaching.  I predict that walking the stairs tomorrow will be a chore!  Also, I was introduced to a couple new squat warmups that I cannot wait to introduce at Oroville Crossfit! 
Push press 2x10 @ 75-80%
Back squat 2x10 @75-80%
For time-
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
L sit strict pull-ups
Pistols, alternating (left + right =1) - 15:57