Oroville CrossFit

Oroville CrossFit
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Friday, August 19, 2016

Arbor CrossFit, Boise ID

As with any trip, one of the highlights is visiting a CrossFit along the way.  This week we were in Boise, ID taking our youngest daughter to Boise State University.  Although we have been to Arbor CrossFit before www.crossfitarbor.com , it was 4 years ago when we delivered our oldest daughter to BSU.
Coach today was Randy Leininger.  I was also able to WOD with his wife Kristen.  The workout started with working on gymnastics skills: Bar Muscle Ups, Handstand walks, etc.  We then transitioned to 2 Metcons:

As Many Rounds and reps As Possible in 6 minutes
– 3 Bar Muscle-ups 
– 9 Kettlebell (American) Swings
– 7 Burpee Box Jumps
Rest 1 min,  Then, 
As Many Rounds and reps As Possible in 6 min:
– 3 Handstand Push-up
– 9 Kettlebell Snatches
– 7 Burpees
Arbor has a great facility and Randy kept the atmosphere fun and positive.  As you would expect, he pushed us to the last second and then led some great shoulder mobility.  There are a couple excellent CrossFits in Boise, but if you ever get to BSU for a football game or a visit, Arbor is less than a mile from the college.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Boise CrossFit- June 22, 2016

Another trip to Boise for daughter #2 Boise State Orientation.  This gave me an opportunity to drop in and see Andy Rosenbaum at Boise CrossFit. 
It was a great time to visit as Boise's Team was training in preparation for the CrossFit Games at the end of July.  Boise's Team finished first in the Norwest Regionals.
WOD today was:
Weightlifting -
A. 8 min EMOM 80% Squat Clean - then
B  8 min EMOM 80% Squat Snatch
Rest 4 min
C. Metcon -
Unbroken Overhead squats - 21,18,15,12,9,6,3.  (any set unbroken, start again)
Certainly looking forward to getting back while I am in Boise the next 4 years.  Great atmosphere and great coaching.  Also would like to wish the Boise Team good luck at the CrossFit Games in July!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

CrossFit Fremont, Fremont, CA May 17, 2016

After a little break due to health issues, I am back on the road and trying to pick up where I left off by visiting CrossFits while on the road.   This week, I was in Milpitas, CA and only a 10 min drive from CrossFit Fremont.  (http://www.crossfitoffremont.com/)  Owners of CrossFit Fremont are Freddy Camacho and Chyna Cho.  I have know Chyna since 2009 and competed against Freddy at the Nor Cal Masters (he won).  Unfortunately, I was not able to see them since they were not back from So Cal as Chyna was qualifying for the CrossFit Games last weekend!  Both Chyna and Freddy will be competing in the Games in July.  Congratulations to both and good luck!
But the WOD must go on and as usual, I had my butt handed to me.  Workout was a good combination of strength followed by a 12 min AMRAP.  Jeff Moran was our coach,  and did an excellent job of coaching our touch and go power snatch.
- Strength - 3/3/3/2/2/2/2 - Power Snatch
- WOD - Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 min of:
    5 Power Snatch (70% of heaviest 2RM)
   10 Pull ups
   15 Lateral Jump over barbell. 
CFF has a great atmosphere and is a must visit when you get to the Bay Area.