Oroville CrossFit

Oroville CrossFit
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Friday, August 19, 2016

Arbor CrossFit, Boise ID

As with any trip, one of the highlights is visiting a CrossFit along the way.  This week we were in Boise, ID taking our youngest daughter to Boise State University.  Although we have been to Arbor CrossFit before www.crossfitarbor.com , it was 4 years ago when we delivered our oldest daughter to BSU.
Coach today was Randy Leininger.  I was also able to WOD with his wife Kristen.  The workout started with working on gymnastics skills: Bar Muscle Ups, Handstand walks, etc.  We then transitioned to 2 Metcons:

As Many Rounds and reps As Possible in 6 minutes
– 3 Bar Muscle-ups 
– 9 Kettlebell (American) Swings
– 7 Burpee Box Jumps
Rest 1 min,  Then, 
As Many Rounds and reps As Possible in 6 min:
– 3 Handstand Push-up
– 9 Kettlebell Snatches
– 7 Burpees
Arbor has a great facility and Randy kept the atmosphere fun and positive.  As you would expect, he pushed us to the last second and then led some great shoulder mobility.  There are a couple excellent CrossFits in Boise, but if you ever get to BSU for a football game or a visit, Arbor is less than a mile from the college.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for joining us! It was a pleasure to have you join us at Arbor CrossFit. And thank you for the kind words.
