Oroville CrossFit

Oroville CrossFit
Home Box - Oroville CrossFit

Saturday, June 21, 2014

June 21 - Crossfit Beach Box, Redondo Beach, CA

One final day of our mini vacation in LA.  We started off the day with a WOD at Crossfit Beach Box (www.crossfitbeachbox.com)  Real easy access off Artesia Blvd in Redondo Beach.  Also, pretty close to the beach if you are coming down to catch some sun for the weekend.
Jorge Canel was our coach for the Metcon.  Looked easy at first, but is was a real cardio burner.  As always, a very friendly group to train with.  Thanks to everyone, come see us if you get to Oroville!
4 Rounds for Time
15 KB Swings 53/35
10 Burpees
15 Goblet Squats 53/35
10 Chest to bar pull ups
200 m run

June 20, Crossfit Southbay, Hermosa Beach, CA

Started our weekend in Southern California on Friday with our friends and Crossfit Partners from OXF, Chris and Sara Poblano.  Crossfit visit #1 was at Southbay Crossfit in Hermosa Beach.  (www.crossfitsouthbay.com).  
What a great groups of folks.  Many of the members were familiar with our home town of Oroville.  Our coach for the WOD was Ashley.  This was a great location, close to the beach and lots to do during the day after Crossfit.  Southbay also has a second location in Torrance. 
As luck would have it, strength for the day was deadlifts, this was the third deadlift in 4 days, but actually felt strong. Real fun WOD following.

A. Deadlift 10 min to work up to heavy single (not 1RM),
    Then perform 2 reps @ 70% every minute on the minute for 10 min 

B. 4 x 30 sec on:30 sec off 
  • Lateral Plate Run 
  • Wall Balls 
  • Battle Rope Alternating Waves 
  • Burpees

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18th, Made in Crossfit, Tempe, Arizona

Made an early morning visit to "Made in Crossfit", (www.madeincrossfit.com) in Tempe, AZ before my flight to Dallas.  Coach and owner is Oscar Garcia.  Oscar has a huge location.
We started with a very good warm up (really needed at 7 am).  Then moved on to deadlifts for strength and then finally a WOD.  As luck would have it, this was deadlifts two days in a row for me.  Sure hope there are no deadlifts in Dallas tomorrow.
Strength = Deadlifts
4 x 5, then 3 x 5, then 2 x 5 - going up in weight each set.
WOD = Grace (30 C&J for time 135/95)
Oscar is a super guy, he has a great location and is growing.  If you are in Tempe, stop in for a visit.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17th, Urban Warfit Crossfit, Phoenix AZ

Traveled to Phoenix Arizona this week and was able to visit Urban Warfit Crossfit for a WOD (www.urbanwarfit.com) Our trainer for the WOD was Roman Cereceres.  Pretty good sign of what was to come when you walk in and your coach is squat cleaning the weight you will soon be deadlifting!
I got to train with a really fun group of folks. (as you can tell from the picture below)  The warm up, skill, strength, and WOD took the entire hour.  Things were organized very well to ensure we had time.
Double Unders - 5 x 30 seconds - Rest 30 seconds
1) Strength: Snatch
1×5, Rest 2 minutes, 1×5, Rest 2 minutes
1×3, Rest 90 seconds, 1×3, Rest 90 seconds
1×1, Rest 60 seconds, 1×1
2) Strength: Deadlifts
1×5, Rest 2 minutes, 1×5, Rest 2 minutes
1×3, Rest 90 seconds, 1×3, Rest 90 seconds
1×1, Rest 60 seconds, 1×1
WOD - 3 Rounds, 12 min cap
10 Power Snatches 135/95
60 Double Unders
15 Toes to Bar
After WOD transitions immediately into:
20 Push Ups (wide grip)
50 Mountain Climbers, each leg
50 Jumping Jacks
50 Butterfly Sit Ups
20 Push Ups (Close Grip)
Totally smoked and completely drenched, but had a great time!  Definitely visit when you come to Phoenix!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 5, Crossfit Jigsaw, Fremont CA

I saw Dal, the owner of Crossfit Jigsaw (www.crossfitjigsaw.com)  at the Nor Cal Regionals last week and realized it has been too long since I last visited.  Thought I should stop by this week while in the Bay to check out how the new box is progressing.  Crossfit Jigsaw will be open 1 year in September.
I picked a perfect day to stop by as it was an awesome WOD and a couple of Jigsaw's competitors were there to kick my butt.
WOD was "Deconstruction of the Thruster"
300 m run
30 Double Unders
10 Deadlifts (155/110)
10 Hang Squat Cleans
300 m run
30 Double Unders
10 Front Squats
10 Push Press
300 m run
30 Double Unders
10 Thrusters
Really great to catch up with Dal and talk shop for awhile after the WOD!