Oroville CrossFit

Oroville CrossFit
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 27, CrossFit Richardson, TX

I was in Dallas for one day and able to stop by CrossFit Richardson.  http://crossfitrichardson.com/.  I have visited CFR multiple times, this is the first time since I started this blog.  John Marshall is the owner and one of the trainers.  It is amazing how much CFR has grown over the last two years; since my first WOD, they have moved to a larger building and added a huge amount of CrossFitters.  Congratulations on your success John!  (looking forward to my shirt)
It was 106 degrees in Dallas today, sure glad John kept the running to a minimum during today's WOD.
Strength = 4 x 6 backsquat
50 double unders
21 KB Swings
12 Pullups
3 Rounds - 6:35

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