Oroville CrossFit

Oroville CrossFit
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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Crossfit Monterey, Monterey CA, Oct 21, 2013

Had meetings this week in Monterey, CA and had an opportunity to visit Crossfit Monterey for a WOD.  http://crossfitmonterey.com.  Our coach was Amy Woods.  Amy put us through a great warm up and then worked us through our strength and WOD.
The Strength combination was a first for me; start with a Clean high pull and then touch and go with a squat clean.   We had 20 minutes to work up to our max.  (PR Clean for me today)
WOD was simple but a smoker.  21, 15, 9 - SDHP and Lateral over bar burpees.
Have always thought Monterey was a great place to visit.  More know for Cannery Row and the Aquarium, but now part of your weekend adventure should include Crossfit!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Crossfit Jigsaw - Fremont, CA, Oct 9th, 2013.

I have been back to Crossfit Jigsaw crossfitjigsaw.com the last couple weeks while in the Bay Area.  I really like the programing that Dal is putting together.  Good Mobility to start and Strength Work/WOD really works in increasing power.  Once again, Dal kicked my but today!
Strength -
15 minutes to get as heavy as possible of the following complex
1 clean + 1 hang clean + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk - got to 205.
5 rounds
6 hang cleans and push jerk (165#/118#) - 165 was heavy.
10 box jumps (30”/24”)
Thanks again Dal!