Before I go into the WOD, first a little about Jerome. He was one year away from graduating from Medical School. His specialty was operating the heart/lung machine. I found this cool as if things had been a little different we might have met in early June.
WOD today
15 leg extensions
30 unbroken thrusters
21 leg extensions
25 unbroken Front Squats
28 leg extensions
10 unbroken Hang Snatches with a lunge on each leg
35 leg extensions
25 unbroken OH Squats
Followed by 2 rounds
25 squat / rows unbroken (using a cable rowing machine)
15 KB swings with each arm (5 KB swings, 5 KB high pulls, 5 KB snatches
25 unbroken thrusters
He might have had a third round planned, but my legs were done.
One of reasons I like visiting other CrossFits is to learn new stuff; this might be a cool new WOD, a good warm up, or a different technique. Before today, I never would have considered incorporating weight machines into a WOD. As always, I learned something.
Special thanks to Jerome for accommodating my visit and for a great WOD. I hope I can walk tomorrow!