Oroville CrossFit

Oroville CrossFit
Home Box - Oroville CrossFit

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

NorCal Crossfit, San Jose, CA

Was able to visit Kalipa's new box in San Jose today. (www.CFnorcal.com) I saw a couple familiar faces, but man so many new Crossfitters. New facility is huge, but still the same awesome coaching and feel.
Started with some skill work
- Bar Muscle ups (got my first one tonight!)
- L Sits
- Skin the Cat
- Hand stand Walks
WOD was:
- 10 SDHP
- 2 Bar Muscle ups (sub CTB Pullups)
- 10 walking lundges
- 10 box jumps
- 10 walking lundges
5 Rounds - 9:12
FYI - new girl's shirts are amazing. I bought 4 for the girls back at Level 10. (http://norcalcfgear.com/)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Crossfit Richardson, Richardson, TX

Great to get back to Crossfit Richardson (www.crossfitrichardson) and see John again. Always difficult programming this time of year with the open workouts going on. Good WOD tonight that I hope does not make me too sore for WOD 12.4 on Thursday.
3 - 3 min AMRAP's
3 deadlift at 225lbs
3 box jumps
1 min rest
3 strict press at 95lbs
3 strict pullups
1 min rest
max double unders in 3 min

Friday, March 2, 2012

Crossfit Milpitas, Milpitas, CA

A great friend of the family (Melia O'quinn)is now coaching at Crossfit Milpitas (www.crossfitmilpitas.com) I went by on March 2 for an early morning WOD. Always fun having a friend in your face telling you to pick up the dang bar! Love ya Melia!
9 Push Press (135/95)
9 Pullups
9 KB Swings (53/35)
9 Pushups
5 rounds - 10:51