Oroville CrossFit

Oroville CrossFit
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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Crossfit Thousand Oaks - Thousand Oaks, CA - June 26th

I was in So Cal on June 26th and stopped in for a WOD at Crossfit Thousand Oaks - www.crossfitthousandoaks.com.  The owner and coach for our WOD was Dan Kallen. 
Great strength work and WOD. 
Started with 3x5 backsquats at 65% of max.  3 second count on decent, 3 second count at the bottom then up.  This was real leg burner.
WOD was 5 rounds of 15 deadlifts and a 400m run.  Weight for the deadlift was 65% max.  That was a lot of deadlifts!
Had a great time with Dan and the class.  Dan was very motivating.  Thanks to the team at CFTO, I will stop by again to get another WOD and a shirt I hope!


  1. Thanks for stopping by!

    We really enjoyed your visit. You brought some great energy to the session, and we're looking forward to your next visit!

